May 01, 2008

#1.Go Get Enough Sleep

Do you often stay up late, watching TV, studying or just chatting maybe? How much time do you get for sleeping? How much sleep do an adult need is varies by individual, the average is 8 hours of sleep, which is reflected in two studies that suggest that healthy adults have a basal sleep need of seven to eight hours every night. However, if you have a sleep debt you may need more than 8 hours.

Here are some things that you might get when you don't get enough sleep!

  • Increased risk of health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease;
  • You are more likely to make mistakes and have a slower reaction time;
  • Less sleep, higher body mass index;
  • People who don't sleep enough suffer a decrease in immune system;

Having difficulty sleeping? Why don’t you try one of these tricks?

  • Do not nap during the day more than 30 minutes;
  • exercise before bed;
  • Go to bed at the same time every night. An established sleeping pattern is very effective to ward off insomnia;
  • don’t drink tea or coffee before bedtime;
  • don’t do vigorous work out before bedtime;
  • Spending quiet time. This may include meditation, relaxation and/or breathing exercises, or taking a warm bath;
  • get a massage;
  • drink warm milk;
  • go to bed when you are tired;
  • reserve the bed for bed things (i.e. sleep and sex)
  • keep your bedroom at comfortable temperature
  • counting Sheep
  • read book

Just remember by cutting down on sleep we learn less, we develop less, we are less bright, we make worse decisions, we accomplish less, we are less productive, we are more prone to errors, and we undermine our true intellectual potential! Good Luck and have a nice sleep.


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