May 17, 2008

#14.Learn to Love Yourself

"To experience true love, we first must love ourselves"

To be honest, loving myself is a very hard thing for me to do. I look in the mirror and I don't like the way I look, I pray so many times wish that I can look like a superstar. I don't trust other people opinion about me. It's difficult for me to enjoy who I am. Low self esteem has been something I've struggled with all my life.
What should we do to love ourself?
Lose weight?
Quit smoking and drinking?
Buy new expensive clothes or jewelry?

I believe that the foundation of self-love and positive esteem is based in a true belief in yourself and in having faith in your qualities and capabilities.

what can you do to boost your self esteem are:

  1. Ask people about yourself (what do they like and dislike). It can help you to learn about yourself
  2. Make a list of things about yourself. You can go over and read about all the good things you have in you
  3. Be yourself. You have to stop trying too hard to be somebody you're not
  4. Giving yourself all that you need to be happy and healthy
  5. Say nice things to yourself
  6. Compliment and praise yourself
  7. Learning new Things
  8. Taking breaks and Having Fun are important
Remember that you are a truly lovable person and that you deserve only kind treatment, especially from yourself.

1 comment:

el-Fata.D.A said...

this time, aku mendapat sesuatu yang hebat! thanks???

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